Worry Gives Little Things Big Shadows

We all have to go through black days and tough times in this life, to smile or look on the bright side is very difficult, but NOT impossible ! Have faith and believe that bad times will end. There is a light at the end of every tunnel and it gets brighter as we travel toward it. “With God all things are possible”. As I have proved many times.

It was a sad little old lady who trudged back to her home without her dog “Jack”. She had left him at the vets where he had been put to sleep, she knew she had made the right decision, he was sixteen years old and would only have gone on suffering, and she could not bear the thought of that. She felt heartbroken and already lonely without him trotting by her side. Who could she talk to now ?.

In the following months the house was so quiet without Jack. But then she had to face another problem, she just was not well.

In the end she had to go into hospital and face an operation and she felt more and more lonely. After the operation , although she tried, she had to face the fact that she could not cope by herself at home. And it was decided that she would have to go into a home for elderly people, It was a thing that she had never wanted to ever happen, and knew that she would hate it..

She just dreaded going into to the home, but the date drew ever nearer, and finally the car was at the door, and the helpers with every kindness helped her in.

Tears ran down her face as she drew near to the “Home”, and even as she was welcomed at the door she thought, “So this is to be the end” “I shall hate it”. .

To her surprise she was not given the room she had seen on her visit, but a much nicer one overlooking the grounds, She was introduced to very friendly people who made her welcome. When someone said something that made everyone laugh. She felt suddenly quite happy . There were smiles and laughter as two or three residents told her about the events and goings on, and soon she was feeling happy in their company.

It was a week or so later that she suddenly realised that she was happier than she had been for a long time, There were activities to enjoy with others, and people who visited bringing good cheer. Those who looked after them all were friendly, and good fun to be with. She also now had real friends who were always with her

As the home’s cat settled on her lap, she thought “Tibbie” is not quite like my dog Jack, but at least I don’t have to take this one for walks in the rain or the cold of Winter. I do have a lot to be thankful for.

Perhaps we all should remember – Life’s difficulties and disappointments can make us better, not bitter. Who can know what happiness may lie ahead ! As Jesus once said “Be of good cheer”.

Christian Love, Gerald Gossage.

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